Wednesday 3 August 2016

Techniques: High Key Lighting: Work Diary Evaluation -

Low Key Lighting- 

Equipment Used: 
Canon EOS 450D, standard lens, key light, reflector wall and reflector dish. 

1/125, F/8 ISO 200.

Key light. 



This image is a personal favourite of mine due to the effect of the lighting on both the backdrop and subject. The costume of the subject works well as a direct contrast to the bright backdrop. Additionally, the composition is well balanced within the rule of thirds compositional grid with the model in the centre vertical column meaning that the viewers attention is immediately taken to the subject. Furthermore, the props used are creative and challenge the norms of portrait photography which is an ideology often present within high fashion photography. 

Least Favourite:

The above photograph is my least favourite due to the off centre alignment of the subject, which was an aesthetic choice that I later disliked, the lack of conviction in the pose from the model in that the body movements are very soft when I intended for them to be angular and use the negative space more interestingly. Despite this, the background and lighting is again successful in this image. 

Evaluation and Development - 

This series is successful in exemplifying the possibilities of a well planned shoot that utilises the high fashion lighting set up that is high key lighting. The bright background is simplistic and well compliments a singular subject. 

This is a technique that I may use as the studio setting is often used in fashion related photoshoots. It also well compliments certain items of clothing and is good at providing dramatic contrasts to some images. I am unsure where exactly this technique would fit within a shoot except for another shoot based upon masks that I have already considered adapting to fir with location portraiture. 

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