Saturday 6 August 2016

Techniques: Low Key Lighting: Work Diary Evaluation -

Low Key Lighting- 

Equipment Used: 
Canon EOS 450D, standard lens, snoot, honeycomb, black backdrop, orange gel, blue gel, fill light, key light, light diffuser, backlights. 

1/125, F/8 ISO 200.

Snoot, honeycomb, fill light, key light, backlights. 



This image is my favourite due to the balanced composition of the subjects and the way in which the lighting is reflected on them. This image is also interesting as it is an exploration of the idea of identity and personality. The two subjects, one being a friend and one being myself, are often mistaken for one another and identified as the same person; as such I decided that the subject would wear mirror opposite lipsticks and that one would have blue on their left and orange on their right and bias versa. Moreover, the similar clothing was another way to merge the theme of identity into the technique experiment. More aptly in relation to this shoots position as a technique post the lighting was successful and the final image is aesthetically pleasing. 

Least Favourite:

This image is one of my lesser favourites due to the reduced impact from the colour gels on a profile subject. The clothing worn by the subject also means that they are lost within the black background and that the final dramatic impact is lost too.

Evaluation and Development - 

This series is successful in that it uses my favourite background colour, black, and creates stunning colourisation on the models that allows for a high fashion perspective on portraiture that is not easily accessible for most people. The idea to utilise two models was an inventive deviation from the original route and appeared to work well.

I could use this technique again in the future in relation to my photographic shoots yet I am unsure where it would fit into my pre-planned shoots. Few of the planned explorations are within a studio environment or those that are tend not to be portraits. 

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