Tuesday 14 June 2016

Illustrated Project Proposal -

Illustrated Project Proposal - 

Possible Genre Ideas:
  • Documentary photography
  • Photojournalism
  • Fashion photography
  • Surreal/ experimental photography
Inspirational Images:


(Erica McDonald)

(Corey Arnold)

(Charlotta Cardana)


(Ron Haviv)

(David Burnett)

(Don McCullin)


(Katerina Plotnikova)

(Lara Zankoul)

(Kyle Thompson)

(Laura Zalenga)

Surreal/ Experimental:

(Alex Stoddard)

(Christopher McKenney)

(Vikram Kushwah)

Personal Investigation Idea: I intend to focus on exploring the idea of fashion and surrealism and how both inspire the other. This will involve showcasing photographs which are stylistically in the field of fashion although the theme will be surreal concepts.

Background: I have decided to focus on a hybrid between fashion and surrealism for my project; this may seem unusual but in modern media it appears that fashion is already strongly inspired by surreal ideas and this can be seen in major fashion magazines such as Vogue and others of the same genre and calibre.

For this idea I will be exploring the genre of location portraiture and I will also be interpreting this is my own way. Due to the nature of having to complete photo-shoots both in and out of the educational environment I need to be willing to experiment with not being able to shoot on location. For instance, when possible I will shoot on various locations outside of class time but within class time I will focus on editing but also how the studio can be used in a surreal and fashion environment.  To further this, an idea I had to bring location portraiture to the studio is to use a projector and explore location within the studio.

Within the field of surrealism I would like to focus on 'The Human Psyche in Reality and Unreality'. This title allows for exploration from a surreal standpoint. To explain this idea further, one idea that I have is to implement the use of props such as masks which would help to delve into ideas such as emotions.

From a fashion perspective I would like to understand ideas such as aesthetic and colour use but also the different styles of various photographers within the field of fashion. For example, Jeurgen Teller is renown for his unusual ideas of fashion photography which mimic an amateur photographer but which so aptly capture his subjects in a realistic environment which is so unrealistic for the field of fashion.

Photographers Research: In my chosen theme of fashion combined with surrealism I have been able to pursue a variety of photographers who I feel will be highly influential to me and my project; whether the inspiration will be something as simple as use of colour or more obviously influential such as use of editing much like Christopher McKenney.

So far my journey of research has led me to discover both new photographers but also ones I have been familiar with for a long time and who I feel have already influenced my perspectives on art. For example, from what the definition of art actually is and how it can be interpreted differently from person to person but also from the original idea the artist themselves had.

My most significant inspirations for this project will be Christopher McKenney, Juergen Teller, Lara Zankoul and Emma Summerton. From these photographers I will attempt my own ideas of the meaning and influence of photography. To achieve this I will photograph people in various locations, with various concepts and hopefully they will be successful.

Fashion: Concept, Idea and Issues:
  • Concept: High fashion photography inspired by surrealism.
  • Idea: Focus on muted colours with a sepia-like filter, focus on surreal ideas within nature either rurally or in an urban setting.
  • Issues: Either conforming to or subverting beauty conventions, surrealist ideas confusing the everyday normality, the dangers of settings including water. 
Surrealism: Concept, Idea and Issues:
  • Concept: Delving into the subconscious inspired by categories such as childhood, youth, adulthood, life, death and how individuals relate to these abstract concept by turning thoughts into photographs.
  • Idea: Get a subject group who I can question on the various examples of possible themes for photo-shoots outlined above and base surreal photographs from their responses.
  • Issues: People may not respond in a way that I can interpret their thoughts into a surreal manner. Getting collaboration on certain themes may be more difficult.
Techniques to Explore:
  • Wide Angle
  • Sequencing
  • Animated Gif
  • Location Portraiture
  • Double Exposure
  • Slow Sync Flash
Illustrated Ideas: Whilst discovering photographs I came across specific images that allowed me to begin understanding the possible implicit meanings, the punctum as described by Roland Barthes, of photographs which will be such as vital concept for the surrealism portion of my project.

Chris Rivera:

This image is an example of double exposure photography. I have been inspired by this technique for a very long time and have often wanted to coordinate it within my own work. Within this image the punctum is that the landscape is within the silhouette of the portrait. The inference that can be made from this image is that the person is freeing themselves from the constraints of an urban lifestyle and may have a longing for the rural nature and life of freedom. From this image I take the idea of merging more than one photograph; for instance, I could use a projector, double exposure, sequencing or even make a gif.

 Kyle Thompson:

This photograph is within the same vein of surrealism of Christopher McKenney. This image is powerful as the fabric has been used to simulate angel wings. The extreme definitions of contrast between the darkened background and the light foreground creates an almost eerie and sorrowful atmosphere. The injured subject has angel wings and is seen to be rising out of the water as though they themselves were a martyr for a bigger cause. The lack of contact with the face of the subject also provides another eerie element of an unknown identity. From this photograph I take the importance of the punctum and having a meaning or concept behind the image.
Christopher McKenney:

This image is one of my favourites from a series entitled "Self-Made Ghosts". This image to me is a critical interpretation of how powerful patriotism is and how we can all fall victim to the powers of patriarchy, capitalism and patriotism. The identity of the subject is lost once they adorn a flag; we are no longer individuals but members of a country, a workforce and a system. From this final image I will take the idea of identity.

Lara Zankoul:

This photograph to me symbolises the process of aging. The subject is an adult yet they are wearing clothing that is more suitable to that of a child. The idea of falling naïvely into a world of dream and imagination is an idea of childhood which we are to leave behind as adults. Once we grow into adults we are taught to live in a world of facts rather than imagination.  Additionally, the surreal nature of the outside being on the inside can encourage the viewer t approach the image from another perspective. This image to me provides the idea of colour and aesthetic.

Marta Lallana Garcia:

 This photographic series was created to document "home". The photographer used members of her family to create an idea that home is more than a place, it is also people. The images work both individually but also as part of a triptic series. The scenery aligns as though the images were captured in a panoramic way which links the images perfectly. The atmosphere of the image is almost like that of a funeral and mourning which could be a message on the deep emotions of family. The use of colours is also significant; the use of both white and black clothing allows the audience to experience both hope and also sorrow. This photographic series will allow me to experiment with the ideas of multiple images but also colour.

Rebecca Litchfield:

    This photograph combines some of my favourite style of photography; urban decay and fashion. The subject and scenery work together in unison in a way that almost tells a story or allows us to link it with a story of our own. This image evokes to me the idea of Charles Dickens' character "Miss Havisham".  The gown is a central subject but the contrasting location creates a more dynamic image. From this photograph I take the importance of location in fashion photography.

    Photoshoot Plans - 

    Photoshoot 1: Pre-Production Manipulation: Painting directly onto the subject to create a surreal portrait. I will be delving into human anatomy in the respect of Leonardo Da Vinci style to paint either muscle or bone directly onto the model where I will then paint black to remove the rest of the body. 

    Photoshoot 2: Technical During and Post-Production Manipulation: Manipulating a series of photographs in Photoshop to create a more surreal final outcome. For this I may implement an 'Alice in Wonderland' style where I will then change elements such as the saturation of photographs but also merge multiple sequences together to achieve a look that incorporates multiple white rabbits through the use of a singular subject etc. 

    Photoshoot 3: Physical Post-Production Manipulation: I will print images after editing and then manipulate them physically through the use of paints, glitter, cutting and removing sections etc to explore ideas of personal identity and regional identity and so on. 


  1. Hi Morgan I am very interested in the ideas that you wish to develop... I can see that there is a maturity in your proposal where you have demonstrated a strong concept/ idea You do however need to apply some analysis to the images (connotation, denotation, punctum (i will tell you what this means when we next meet), context) that you have posted highlighting how they have influenced you.. or how they are relevant to the project... view the exemplar in Qube

  2. try to extract areas of learning from these photographers and photographs that you wish to apply in your own investigation.

    summarise as a technique, composition, concept, etc.
