Wednesday 23 November 2016

Photoshoot 4: Surrealism Change of Scale: Studio: Straight Images -

Photoshoot 4: Straight Images - 

Scale Manipulation Studio:

I was not pleased with the composition of this photograph as there was too much empty space and blank canvas in the left third of the compositional grid. 

This image was an experimentation of the above photograph after not being pleased with the empty space. However, I did not feel the prop to be fully appropriate for the aesthetic that was desired. 

This images was more balanced than the above two variations, although it was still not fully pleasing to the eye due to the perspective of the shot. 

This image was the preferred of the above photographs due to the changed perspective and focal length. 

The overall idea of this image is possibly the best of this mini series but the compositional focal length was too distant and thus the subject of the images became less significant. 

This image was the closer version of the above and I felt that it captured the satirical humour and surrealism much more than the one featured directly above. Additionally, due to the change in camera position the lighting became brighter and less shadowed or patchy. 

This image was a further experimentation of the two images seen above and whilst the concept was interesting the execution of it was less surreal than the second of these due to the glass bottle distorting the subject in this image. Whilst scale distortion was desired the effects of glass and light were not. 

The images of the subjects were not working quite as hoped in this composition with one subject becoming distorted in a manner that was not the ambition for this photograph. The subject in black appears too 2D which was not the aim. 

The composition of this image was not as successful as some of the below using the same props. The change of scale was more drastic and alongside the visible line from the transparent line used to suspend the subject it became one of the lesser successful images in this series. 

This image is successful in that the line was blended in and hidden well and that the open book provided a much better composition than the closed book and smaller figure. However, the next image is better in that movement is showcased better.

This photograph is very much like its predecessor except that it displays movement more drastically than the image above. 

The addition of the extra subject in this photograph appears to disturb the balance of the photograph and as such distracts from the main subject and therefore takes away from the overall surreal feel. 

This image is interesting in relation to the use of space and the composition of the props; although, I would possibly change the subject used to achieve a more intriguing layout. 

This image is surreal in not only its change of scale but also in its subjects due to it being multiple of the same model. 

The concept of using the origami crane as a showcase of change of scale was interesting although the colours featured through the measn of the backdrop, prop and subject were all too mono tonal and overexposed to create an image up to the standard I am aiming for. Additionally, the empty space surrounding the subject is too great and would need to be cropped to a different format or re-shot using a difference composition.

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