Tuesday 3 January 2017

Physical Experiment: Collage -

Physical Experiment: Collage - 

Original Image:

Final Image:

Tools - 

I used:

Cutting Mat

Influences - 

Matthieu Bourel

Evaluation - 

The original image existed purely as a documentation of my family member during her school years. After the physical experimentation the connotations of the image changed and now makes reference to how identity is constructed. For example, the final outcome is a combination of three layers the first being the school portrait, the second is sections from a portrait that I captured of a friend and the final layer is a plain white background. The different layers influence how the audience infers meaning from the conceptual photograph in reference to the abstract positioning of various facial features such as the third eye. A implication of meaning that was important in the construction of this photograph, for me as the producer, was that the third eye is representative of a mothers intuition and that it implies that she is omniscient in my life. The use of combining the photograph with a peer was to imply that we are all shaped by our family and peers and as such the photograph is not only constructed by various people but so is the text producer, myself. 

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