Thursday 5 January 2017

Physical Experiment: Painting -

Physical Experiment: Painting - 

Original Image:

Final Image:

Tools -

I used:

Acrylic Paint

Influences - 

Angela Deane

Evaluation - 

The basis photograph is a documentary photograph that I captured whilst walking through the town centre of my home. The images punctum is the two people in the left third of the compositional grid who are engaged in conversation. There was no direct meaning to be gathered from the original photograph as it was simply for a documentary purpose of depicting the people of my home town. However, the meaning of the photograph changed quite significantly once I had painted over the photograph as a physical experiment. The black and white filter that is present in both photographs was to infer a sense of nostalgia whilst the later addition of the ghosts over subject within the photographs was to develop the idea that we, as humans, live short lives and that in the not too distant future people looking back at photographs will not know who the people are. In the same respect of looking through very old family photo albums and asking older relatives who is in each photograph; the people shape who we are yet become anonymous as time goes on; as such the cloth covering to mimic a ghost is reminiscent of the anonymity of Rene Magritte paintings such as "The Lovers". 

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