Wednesday 4 January 2017

Physical Experiment: Photomontage -

Physical Experiment: Photomontage - 

Original Image:

Final Image:

Tools - 

I used:

Cutting Mat

Influences - 

John Stezaker

Evaluation - 

The original image existed purely as a documentation of my family member during her school years. Post-production of the above physical experiment the meanings of the photograph have changed. For instance, the photograph is of my mother at the same age that I am now and thus I felt a strong connection with the photograph even before I manipulated it. Moreover, the second layer of the photograph that creates an element of anonymity, often employed by Rene Magritte and as mentioned above John Stezaker, is a photograph that I captured recently whilst walking in the Lake District with my mother alongside me. The secondary photograph is the connecting ayer between the photograph of my mother and me as the producer of the final outcome. As such the meaning is less connotative but is instead a documentation of nostalgia and connections between lives and art or photography. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok but in all cases discuss how the meaning of the images changes through physical manipulation...
