Saturday 7 January 2017

Physical Experiment: Stitching -

Physical Experiment: Stitching - 

Original Image:

Final Image:

Tools -

I used:

White Thread
Red Thread

Influences - 

Spike Dennis
Mana Morimoto

Evaluation - 

The first photograph that can be seen above was taken as part of photoshoot 9 and was an anomaly amongst the other images. Despite that, I felt compelled to capture the original image for its depiction of art in the banal everyday situations. There was no direct meaning that I had placed within the specific image but it was given connotations through the stitching of the red and white thread that surrounds the head of the subject like a renaissance halo. Whilst the scanner did not pick up on the colures stitching the thread was in alternations of red and white. The statue is a depiction of Eve from the Christian religion and as such the white thread was to connote her innocence prior to the supposed corruption from the devil. The red, however, was intended to mimic blood and serves as a juxtaposition in that the statue is not made of flesh and blood as the subjects were in my other photographs from this series. As such, the stitching is a questioning of religion and its influence on a mostly secular society today. 

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