Original Image:
Final Image:
Final Image:
Technique -
I began by opening the file and unlocking the layer.
I repeated the first step but instead opened the second file.
To adjust the framing of the secondary layer image I hovered over the 'Crop Tool' (C) and selected the first of the list and began cropping.
Moving down the 'Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer' I then selected the 'Black and White...' option.
I did not deem it necessary to change the pre-chosen values as I was going to be adjusting the brightness and contrast afterwards anyway.
Once again returning to the 'Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer' tool I chose the 'Brightness/Contrast...' option.
Using the sliding bar I adjusted the values until the image appeared how I wanted it to. For this particular image I increased the 'Contrast' value by 20.
I then dragged the secondary file over the base layer image.
Heading up to the 'Edit' drop down menu I selected the 'Transform' option followed by 'Scale' to amend the image ratio. I zoomed out (Cmd -) to see the outline when I was changing the scale of the image whilst holding the shift button to ensure there would be no distortion.
Once the image was scaled I aligned it with the base layer until I was satisfied with its position.
This is the finished image that demonstrated the John Stezaker inspired skill whilst using Photoshop editing software to create a computer experiment.
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